Sponsorship Opportunities

Grow on Our Tree of Life

Grow with Us on Our Tree of Life
Commemorate a life cycle 事件 by engraving the name, 事件, 在叶子上涂抹日期, to be displayed on the Westchester Day School Tree of Life, which is located in our shul. This is a wonderful way to celebrate bnei一下; honor a friend, educator, or relative; or memorialize loved ones.
To engrave a leaf on the WDS Tree of Life, please complete the form below, or contact Rachel Fischer, Development Coordinator, at 914-698-8900 x 134 | rfischer@elahomecollection.com
Sponsorship available for:
金箔- $540
铜叶- $180


Mamaroneck, NY 10543


Westchester Day School is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, and lifelong learning.